
Kyle simmons a skylit drive
Kyle simmons a skylit drive

kyle simmons a skylit drive

Jag: Brian got way too stoned in the first hour of them going around town, in one of the coffee shops, at nine in the morning, and had just passed out. Kyle: There was another incident with Brian (White - bass) in Amsterdam. I saw her walk off the plane and was thinking, that she has know idea that I was trying to help her, that if she saw me, she'd probably just think I was a punk or something like that. She was fine she was just dehydrated or something, or way too tired, and just passed out. Jag: After I got to her, people were surrounding her. Kyle: I just saw a bunch of people standing around, wondering what was going on. All of the band were sitting in the back, and I went back and told them. I was standing there, and so out of it, it took me a couple of seconds to realize what happened everyone around didn't know what do to.

kyle simmons a skylit drive

After that, two flight attendants came up, pushed me out of the way, and did the same thing I was doing.

kyle simmons a skylit drive

I took her off the guy and put her on the ground, and was shaking her, and even gave her a slap, and yelled for her to wake up. She was up against this guy in his seat, completely passed out, and he was like, 'What do I do?' Nobody else was doing anything. All of a sudden, the curtain rips open, and I see this women's foot sticking out. It had these two curtains that blocked off where they have the drinks and the food, but that's where you had to go, to get to the restroom. I was going to the bathroom, it was nighttime, and it was pitch black. Michael "Jag" Jagmin (lead vocals): Something happened to me on the actual airplane, I don't know if it was on the way here, or the way back. We're just going with the flow really.ĪTP: Do you have anything in particular you remember about your first trip over? The first time we were here, it was awesome, and so far, it's been great. Kyle Simmons (keyboard): It feels great, very stoked to be back again. The guys spoke to ATP about their cover of Journey's ' Separate Ways' for the upcoming 'Punk Goes Classic Rock' release, plans for the next album, tales from the band's first trip overseas and more.Īlter The Press: How does it feel to be making your second appearance over to the UK? Whilst back overseas supporting their good friends in Alesana, Alter The Press! managed to catch up with Jag and Kyle of A Skylit Drive before their set at the sold out London O2 Islington Academy.

Kyle simmons a skylit drive