All and all, you will get a kick out of shadow priest 8.1. 8.1.5 Shadow priest mythic+ runs are among the best we’ve ran and the new crucible raid is also seeing lots of them on the top of the meters. The spec is awesome and delivers high damage in both single target and aoe.

8.1.5 Shadow Priest Guide for Mythic+ and WoW Raids is up! Since 8.1 came out we covered initially this spec prior to the raids coming out and now, after all the changes and updated info we have a full shadow priest guide where you’ll be taken through stats, gear, trinkets, the 8.1.5 shadow priest rotation and of course the 8.1.5 shadow priest talents. Devouring Plague ( Instanity ) timer been added to Shadow section-Divine Insight timer been added to Shadow section Shadow Unit Frames /suf-added debuff to player frame top left Quartz adjustment in bar sizes Addon are up to date as of 12/18/13 oQueue update 1.7.3 Happy Holidays v5.4.1.