We are now at the retextures for Geralt, Roach, Yennefer, Triss, Ciri and many more NPC's. It provides three types of quest flavours that are Standard, Lite and Full. All Quests on map -> shows all available quests. The Witcher's selection of mods is relatively small, as most fans moved on to working on The Witcher 3 mods. Auto loot -> It just loots everything but its customizable I believe. Nick Banks No Comments 6 likes Articles, Guides.

Oh and if you're serious about modding the game, use The Witcher 3 Mod Manager to manage your mods. I don't recommend merging this mod with ModMerger, Darker Nights I never liked how bright the nights look in The Witcher 3, this mod will solve that problem for you, Weather Enhanced makes the weather more real, there are many different weather mods on nexus so make sure to check all of them out. So it should come as no surprise that modding communities have dedicated countless hours to creating mods for the Witcher 3, … Just go to Nexusmods and take a look at mods by category to get an idea of what you want. Do you know when W3EE 2.11 is being released? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Better icons -> shows small text on potions indicating the name so you don't have to look'em up one by one to find the one you need. Is it a must-get for a second playthrough? edit: no lore-friendly economy on the list? In actual fact, Nexus Mods remains as the primary online source for downloading/uploading mods of games like Witcher 3. Remember to correctly point to where your game is installed.

Unpack the file in your Witcher 3 folder.-make sure you have set "DlcEnabled_dlc_realweather=1" in document\The Witcher 3… Comment. Most of them are self-explanatory I guess. You may wanna use double xp or xp multiplier with this one to level up faster and unlock skills quicker. Although NexusMods has its dedicated Vortex mod manager, it simply doesn’t work that well for Witcher 3. Without further ado, here are the top 40 The Witcher 3 mods that allow you to modify and enhance the gameplay experience of this game on PC: Change Your Weather. Best mods? this mod removes that, COMPILATION improves basically everything in the entire game like: clouds, blood, aqua, sign effects, textures. Download and extract it, then place the "DLCScabbards" folder inside your "\DLC" folder and the "modScabbards" folder inside your "\Mods" folder.